Sunday, April 3, 2011


SOo I almost forgot about this blog (I did) for a while. But we're back in action. I haven't been doing that is keeping me so busy, and I'm only taking 14 credits! What the heck. Pretty much just have one ridiculous class that I spend 80% of my waking hours on (ahem Plant Physiology).

The weather is finally getting warmer here!! And the snow is melting too, it's quite messy. Today it was up to 45 F. And the days are long, over 13 hours of daylight, sun comes up around 7 and sets around 9. Last night I had a dream about having like 22 hours of daylight (how it will be in the summer) and I have a feeling it's gonna be crazy!!! It will be so cool, you could go running at like 11 pm, or do anything outside, so many more options.

So, last week I saved a bird! I found a Common Redpoll (I'm an ornithology master now) outside the Arctic Health building (where I hang out mostly every day) and he had apparently flew into the window, he was not looking good. I was kinda freakin out because I didn't want to just leave him, but didn't really know what to do. And I thought if I picked him up he might peck my eye or something. So I called my ornithology professor and he told me to pick him up and just give him a 'boost,' birds run into windows a lot (they're smart?) and they just get shook up, but are usually okay. So I picked him up for a few was so cool he just perched right on my finger and wasn't even scared of me!! After a few minutes he flew to a nearby tree, but I treasure our short time together.
My friend.
Some exciting news- I have an interview TOMORROW with the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game!!! I'm soo excited about it! I got a call on Friday about it, had been waiting almost a month to hear back since applying. It would be in southwest AK, basically my dream internship: camping all summer, sampling salmon, playing on rivers, driving boats, not showering, etc. etc. So we'll see how that goes.

Also got a callback about an Americorp internship in Iowa. So I'm gonna see what's up with that, but it's not as cool as the previous one.

I have two tests this week so I need to get studying! ADIOS AMIGOS!

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