Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Da Northern Lights

...not only a delicious drink at Caribou Coffee, but so much more.

So early in March there was some kind of solar flare or something, I'm too lazy to look up the deets, but basically the auroras were NUTS for a couple days later, around March 8-10. My friend Antonia and I went to Murphy Dome, the top of a big hill basically, to try and catch the action. I borrowed a camera to try and take pics but I had never used a digital SLR before, those thangs are complicated. So I'll showcase a terrible picture I took and steal some from my friends.

By me. EHH. If you can't see the green line, tilt your screen.

This was the night before I went out. By David Broome.
Also by my friend David, he has a knack for this.
The auroras are beautiful. I have learned about why they appear but I still don't really understand the mechanism. They are wonderful to watch while stumbling home from the Marlin at night :)

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