Saturday, January 22, 2011


Today I experienced a very minor earthquake! I was innocently reading in my bed and everything started shaking a little, at first I thought I was dying but then I realized that's what it was. So cool. I LOVE PLATE TECTONICS!

Anyway, last night went out to this bar called the Marlin with a bunch of my exchange homies, it was fun. It was a very laid back place, kinda reminded me of the Lift or Welch Ave. I like how people here don't dress up to go out, I only saw one girl wearing a skirt. People at ISU are sew fashionable. There was some drunk band playing blue grass and demanding that the bargoers buy them shots, haha.

Also, yesterday while I was trying to enjoy a sandwich the fire alarm went off at the building I was in. I have a new found hatred for people who pull those things, waiting outside in -30 degree weather =brutal.

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